Music Education

Music Education


– Developing Skills & Nurturing Creativity
  • Curriculum Highlights
    • To provide students with a rich and comprehensive musical learning experience through their participation in integrated musical activities that utilize their creativity, performance skills and listening ability.  This leads to the achievement of the four learning objectives of the Music curriculum, which include:
      • Fostering Creativity and Imagination
      • Developing Musical Skills and Processes
      • Developing Music Criticism
      • Understanding the Context of Music
  • Life-wide Learning
    • In addition to classroom learning, students can choose to participate in different music co-curricular activities, including Chinese Drum Team, Marching Band, Side-Drum Team, Guzheng Class, and Hand Chimes Team.  Each team is also arranged to participate in various competitions to broaden students’ horizons.
    • Chinese Drum Team
      • China Drum Team won the Champion and the Best Composition Award in the 12th Hong Kong Synergy 24 Drum Competition in the Orientation Division, and the Third Prize in the 15th Hong Kong Synergy Drum Competition in the Greater China Inter-school Division – Secondary Schools and Tertiary Institutions Division, and was interviewed by “Next Stop is R 4” of Radio 4 of Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) for the awards and experience.  The Chinese Drum Team has won the Bronze and Silver Awards in the Chinese Percussion Section of the Hong Kong Percussion Competition.
    • Marching Band
      • The Marching Band has won a number of Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards in the Hong Kong Marching Band Open Competition.  In the “Music Power – Joint School Concerts”, the Band was awarded the Outstanding Performance Award and the Charming Stage Performance Award.
    • Guzheng Class
      • Students of Guzheng Class have participated in the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and won the first runner-up in the Intermediate Guzheng Section, the Champion and second runner-up in the Advanced Guzheng Section of the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, and some of our Guzheng students have won the champion in the solo performance of the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival – RTHK Radio 4 Chinese Instruments Scholarship Section.
    • Hand Chimes Team
      • Having participated in the Joint Schools Music Competition and won the Silver Award in the Hand Bells and Hand Chimes Section (Secondary School).
    • “Achievement Sharing Meeting”
      • A platform is provided for students to perform on a regular basis, which not only enhances their interest in learning music, but also allows other students to enjoy their performances at the sharing meeting.
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