Career and Life Planning

Career and Life Planning

“Love to Explore” –Weaving Our Dreams

  • Objectives
    • To enable students to learn about different industries, explore their career preferences and prepare for their future careers in a step-by-step manner.
    • To enable students to understand local, Mainland and overseas study pathways.
    • To enable students to assess and enhance their learning potential, encouraging them to study hard and designing an appropriate learning plan for them.
    • To collaborate with different voluntary agencies and local organizations to broaden students’ future development pathways.
  • Activities for Life Planning
    • School-wide
      • Career Expo of “Love to Explore” – Weaving Our Dreams Project
        • We invited professionals and alumni to share their work experience with students.  Some alumni were invited to introduce more than 20 industries, including:
          • Business: Legal Assistant, Senior Account Manager in advertising department, Bank Sales Executive, Tour Leader, Hotel Customer Service, Flight Attendant
          • Science and Engineering: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Construction Engineering, Aircraft Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory Technician
          • Social Welfare: Social Worker
          • Medical Care: Student Nurse, Registered Nurse in public hospitals, Dental Hygienists
          • Government Frontline: Police, Fire Services, Ambulance Service
          • Others: Full-time Karate Elite Athlete, Professional Footballer, Mobile Game Designer
  • Junior Secondary
    • “Love to Explore”- Weaving Our Dreams Project – Knowing the World of Work
      • A series of activities such as career understanding, vocational study trips and career experience games are organized to enable students to broaden their understanding of the world of work, so as to enhance their competitiveness in employment, and to help them explore the direction of further studies and employment.  At the junior secondary level.
    • Life Planning
      • To read relevant articles to enable students to understand their strengths and weaknesses
      • To conduct career aptitude tests for students to understand their personalities
      • To keep students abreast of the latest trends of different occupations through different media (over 100 job types are covered in the media).
      • To assist students to set goals
      • To help students to equip themselves
  • Senior Secondary
    • Career Planning Lessons
      • Through systematic career planning lessons, students can understand their personal aptitudes, strengths and development directions, as well as to develop their proper values and attitudes.
      • Lesson topics include understanding personal uniqueness, correct learning attitudes, scheduling and time management, appreciating and respecting people in different occupations, understanding the importance of different occupations and positions, dreaming of a career, understanding one’s own interests, and work values.
  • “Love to Explore”- Weaving Our Dreams Project’s Tertiary Taster Programme
    • We are committed to search more tertiary taster programmes for students to explore the direction of further studies based on their interests, strengths and aspirations.
  • Financial Education programmes
    • To establish positive saving & spending habits and financial values through the programme.  For the preparation of the future, good financial management is an important key to life planning.
    • “Life Journey Financial Experience Game” Programme
      • To participate in the Life Journey Financial Experience Game, in which students become citizens of a simulated city and have their own passbooks.  After the game starts, students are free to choose the city they are interested in and experience different life and financial experiences.
Life Planning
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