Non-Chinese Speaking Students Support

Non-Chinese Speaking Students Support

Non-Chinese Speaking Students Support Committee

  • Current Situations of Non-Chinese Speaking Students in our school:
    • There are over 80 Non-Chinese Speaking students.
    • NCS students are from Europe, Japan, Singapore, Pakistan, India, etc.
  • Objectives:
    • To arouse NCS students’ Chinese Language usage skills and interest.
    • To help NCS students master basic Chinese language skills, so that they can learn other subjects easily.
    • To prepare NCS students for the local curriculum so that they can contribute to HK in the future.
Through-train support
  • Junior Secondary (S1-S3)
    • Mol – English
      • Maths, Science
    • Mol – Chinese:
      • Other subjects (Learning support afterschool is provided)
    • Pull out class in Chinese lessons.
    • IGCSE is selected according to learning progress.
  • Senior Secondary (S4-S6)
    • Mol – English
      • Math(M2), Bio, Phy., Chem., Geo., Econ., Hist., and ICT
    • HKDSE Exam
      • Curriculum for Chinese Language or Applied Chinese Learning is selected according to learning progress
  • Supporting measures
    • Chinese
      • Students learn the language in Pull-out Class to strengthen their daily Chinese.
    • Mathematics and Science
      • Bilingual learning materials are provided.
  • Learning Achievement
    • Revision Class for Examination
      • Strengthen students’ vocabulary foundation and examination skills.
    • Special Assessment Arrangements
      • Special assessment arrangements are made according to students’ needs
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