History Education

History Education

History Education (Chinese History, World History)

– Learning about History through Experience
  • Curriculum Highlights
    • Through the understanding of the important history of China and the West, students can learn about the development and changes in Hong Kong, the Motherland and the world, so as to understand the inheritance of history and culture, and learn from the past to the present.
    • Students can acquire important historical knowledge and make judgements on historical figures, events and phenomena through independent thinking based on relevant historical sources.
    • Students can learn how to read, synthesize, organize and analyze a wide range of historical sources, and to use fluent language and writing to express the results of their study of history.
    • For the country and the nation, students can develop a sense of identity and belonging to them, appreciate their achievements and build up affection for them.
    • Students can learn the difficulties and challenges faced by human beings in the past, and understand the attitudes and values that influence human behaviour for becoming global citizens with a global vision, national awareness and a sense of responsibility.
    • Students can enhance their awareness of cultural and heritage conservation, and raise their spirit of enquiry on human cultural heritage and sustainable development.
  • Curriculum Structure
    • Our junior secondary offers Chinese History and World History subjects which articulate with the senior secondary Chinese History and History curriculums.
  • Chinese History
    • Junior Secondary Level
      • Prehistory to Sui and Tang Dynasties (Political evolution, Cultural Features and Development of Hong Kong)
      • Song, Yuan and Qing Dynasties (Political Evolution, Cultural Features and Development of Hong Kong)
      • The Republic of China to the People’s Republic of China (Political Evolution, Cultural Features and Development of Hong Kong)
    • Senior Secondary Level
      • From ancient times to the middle of the 19th century (the political situation from the Western Zhou Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty)
      • From the mid-nineteenth to the late twentieth centuries (the political situation from the mid-to-late Qing Dynasty to the founding of the People’s Republic of China)
      • History Projects (Region and Resource Utilization, Generation and Intellectuals, Religious Transmission and Cultural Exchanges, Institutional and Political Evolution, Women’s Social Status: Traditions and Changes, etc.)
  • History
    • Junior Secondary Level
      • Understanding History
      • Learning about the history of Hong Kong
      • Learning about important events in different periods of the world
    • Senior Secondary Level
      • Modernization and Transformation in the 20th Century Asia
      • Conflict and Co-operation in the 20th Century
  • Learning and Teaching Features
    • Through the introduction of the culture & customs of different dynasties and ethnic groups in the country, students can develop a sense of identity and belonging to the country and the nation of whose achievements can thus be appreciated and feelings built up.
    • Enquiry-based Learning
      • During the lesson, students are guided to collect information, solve problems and achieve self-learning through different learning activities, so as to enhance their interest in learning and enable them to grasp knowledge more deeply and firmly.
  • Study Visits
    • Students can apply the knowledge learnt from classroom study of history (e.g. classification of historical materials, methods of collecting historical materials, etc.) through local, national and overseas study visits.
    • Students can have a deeper understanding of local, national and overseas cultures and be cultivated the spirit of appreciation and conservation of heritage.
  • Information Technology Used in Teaching and Learning
    • Lesson plans and videos are produced for flipped classroom
    • “E-Learning Resources” are created for teaching and learning
  • Learning from Reading
    • The most interesting articles (for self-learning materials and extended reading) are included in each module for students to read on their own and complete the “self-examination” part, encouraging them to learn through reading.
  • Different Modes of Thinking Learning
    • Tiered worksheets are design to enhance students’ learning effectiveness.
    • Students are trained in essay writing for the demands of their future studies.
  • Life-wide Learning
    • In order to enhance students’ motivation in learning Chinese History and History subjects, this subject integrates learning through study trips and visits to enable them to experience and learn about history in the field.
  • Students have visited local exhibitions and joined local study trips organized by the school
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