English Language Education

English Language Education


– English at HoYu
  • Reading
    • An online reading platform, Highlights Library, has been adopted to allow students to read anywhere, anytime at their own pace. Students can access different genres of books online, broadening their horizons, becoming a global citizen.
    • Class sets of interesting readers are provided to guide and develop students’ reading skills, with tasks designed to help students acquire SBA skills required in the DSE.
  • Writing
    • Writing in English is enjoyable in its own right! Our young writers are exposed to a variety of text-types and given opportunities to practice their skills both in and out of the classroom. We encourage our students to write to the South China Morning Post regularly. Students’ good work is regularly posted in SCMP Young Post.
  • Speaking
    • We strive to provide a wealth of speaking practice at Ho Yu. Split speaking classes incorporated into curriculum to enhance students’ speaking skills and to enable teachers to give students more individual care. 
  • English Ambassadors
    • Each year, a group of enthusiastic English Ambassadors from S1 to S5 are selected to promote the use of English at Ho Yu. They act as ‘Big Buddies’ for their fellow schoolmates on English learning and organise various English activities for students.
  • The English Corner
    • The English Corner for Secondary students is print-rich environments full of books and games. Students come during lunch to read books, play games, watch movies, and chat with teachers and English Ambassadors.
  • The Book Week
    • Our annual Book Week enables students to immerse themselves in the fun of reading and to take part in various enjoyable activities such as ‘Book Café’, our ‘Book Character Costume Competition’ and many others.
  • Passport Scheme
    • Lots of English activities are organised each year and students are free to participate in those that interest them. Stamps will be given to students who take part in these activities or those who go to the English Corner. By collecting stamps through participating in activities in their ‘Passport’, students get prizes and extra daily marks. Students love these activities as they can learn English in a way they have never experienced before!
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