Technology and Life Education

Technology and Life Education

Technology and Life Education

— Careful Meal Planning for a Healthy Lifestyle
  • Curriculum Objectives
    • Students can analyze the factors affecting individuals, families, society and quality of life.
    • Students can explore and evaluate the relationship between food culture, food science and technology and the quality of life of individuals, families, related industries, society and the world as a whole.
    • Students can develop a spirit of enquiry, healthy eating habits and cooking skills through food experiments.
  • Learning and Teaching Features
    • Integration of Theory and Practice
    • Co-operative Learning:  Students can become masters of learning
      • In junior secondary classes, students can learn about the basic nutritional elements and discuss with their group members to design a healthy lunch, and evaluate and review the design principles with each other during the lesson.
      • In senior secondary elective classes, students can learn about the basic principles of food and conduct experiments (e.g. making handmade ice-cream and marshmallows) in the laboratory and home economics room, and discuss the process of improvement during the lesson.
    • Flipped classroom: Students can use different IT tools to enhance their learning
      • Teachers prepare some videos and worksheets related to the topic for students to watch at home and to do some pre-learning.  During the lesson, students can also use iPad One Note software to design their meals, report and present their results in groups.
  • Life-wide Learning
    • Subject teachers lead students to participate in the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (“THEi”)’s “Summer Taster Programme” during the post-examination activity time every year.  The programme aims at keeping students abreast of the development of food technology in the market (e.g. understanding the operation of electronic tongue devices and making plant-based meat burgers), enabling them to grasp the emerging trends in the food market in recent years and enriching their knowledge and broadening their horizons.
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