Life and Society Education

Life and Society Education

Life and Society

— Caring for the Community to Nurture Students Becoming Knowledgeable and Responsible Citizens
  • Curriculum Highlights:
    • Students can learn about the situation of Hong Kong, China and the world by taking things that happen to them as the starting point.  The curriculum contents are close to the daily life of the society, which can help students to be prepared for the ever-changing society.
    • The curriculum is designed according to the principle of “from near to far”, extending the study of Hong Kong issues to global issues and enhancing students’ understanding of Hong Kong, China and the world.
  • Detailed Curriculum Arrangements 
    • Secondary 1: Personal Growth, Hong Kong’s Economy and Socio-political System, Hong Kong’s Public Finance, Characteristics of Hong Kong’s Economy, Hong Kong’s Political System and Hong Kong’s Electoral System, etc.
    • Secondary 2: Personal Growth, China’s Economy and Political System, China’s Political System, China’s Economy, How to Manage Money and China’s International Status, etc.
    • Secondary 3: Personal Growth, Global Economy and Political System, Globalization, International Trade, World Politics and How to be a Global Citizen, etc.
  • Learning and Teaching Features
    • Self-directed Learning and e-Learning
      • The self-directed teaching is adopted that students can use a school-based self-learning outline to learn the modules, which are designed to develop their critical thinking and analytical skills.  The use of iPads in some lessons makes learning more interesting and helps to enhance students’ learning effectiveness.
    • Cultivating Students’ Awareness of Current Affairs
      • Current news is taken in the learning contents and self-study outline as discussion examples to encourage students to care about the society.
      • Students are encouraged to care more about current affairs through the monthly current affairs worksheets to enhance their sensitivity to up-to-date affairs.
    • Fine-tuning of Medium of Instruction (MOI) for the Secondary School
      • In order to provide junior secondary students with more opportunities to be exposed to English vocabulary related to Life and Social Studies in the classroom, English vocabulary of key concepts is provided in each lesson to lay a foundation for students’ future learning.
  • Life-wide Learning
    • Current Affairs Quiz Competition
      • Through the Current Affairs Quiz Competition, students can deepen their understanding of Hong Kong, China and the world, as well as increase their interest in life and social studies.
    • Financial Management Workshop
      • In line with the financial management topic of Secondary 2, students can understand the importance of financial management through work experience.透過專題研習匯報比賽,同學嘗試在台上匯報,增加膽量,提升自信。
    • Off-campus Visits and Overseas Exchanges
      • Students are enabled to broaden their horizons through off-campus visits and overseas exchanges.  Secondary 2 and Secondary 4 students can visit cultural museums and enterprises in Zhongshan and have study visits to the Mainland.  They can also visit the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal to enhance their understanding of the rule of law.
    • Rich & Poor’s Banquet
      • In collaboration with World Vision, students’awareness of global citizenship can be enhanced through poverty experiential programmes.
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